Here is a more detailed diagram of where we collected data:
The red lines indicate where we took data in the Z and X direction (using the same orientation as the diagram above where Z is parallel to the longer edge of the probe and X is parallel to the shorter edge). Although we did take data at these points we did not necessarily detect a signal (especially at the edges of the circle). Thus, the area where the RF probe is sensitive enough to detect a signal is less than the area of the circle. The circle is where the coil is in the RF probe and where it should be sensitive enough to detect a signal.

After plotting the data and creating an intensity map we noticed that the RF probe was more sensitive in the z-direction than the x. We decided to turn the coil in the RF probe 90 degrees in the hope that it would increase the probe's sensitivity along the x direction where the magnetic field is more homogenous. After lunch we took data along the same points again with the RF probe after the coil had been rotated. When we compared the intensity plots of the center line data before and after the coil was rotated, however, the data was almost identical. At this point it was time to go so I hope we can figure this out on Monday.
Here's an image of the inside of the RF probe:

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