Today was the last day of the internship. I worked on my presentation and practiced it a couple times. I was able to finish it within 10 minutes by the end of the day.
This was a good experience and I learnt a lot about conducting research and about Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Day 29
Today we all practiced our presentations in the auditorium until noon. I think my presentation went well except I went about a minute over time. I'll practice my presentation again tomorrow and probably leave out a few extra details so I can complete it in 10 minutes. After lunch I organized all the files I had created during my time at the internship and shared them with Dr Hornak so he can have copy of everything. I then reviewed my presentation and added an acknowledgments slide.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Day 28
This morning we began to take data using the MOUSE of the MOUSE logo we had created with DPPH in order to create an image. The DPPH signal was uncharacteristically low, however, and we could not figure out why. I then began to work on my presentation and timed myself going through slides. Currently I am a little over 10 minutes when I go through my entire presentation.
I had to leave early today (around 2:30) because I had to go to preseason sports practice.
I had to leave early today (around 2:30) because I had to go to preseason sports practice.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Day 27
I finished my presentation today. I added a new slide with some more technical details of how EPR works. I'm not sure I will have time to go over that during my presentation but I will probably keep it at the end so I can use it if there are any questions about how EPR works.
On Monday I'm probably going to help Dr Hornak create a new image of the MOUSE logo based of the stencil of the MOUSE made with DPPH.
On Monday I'm probably going to help Dr Hornak create a new image of the MOUSE logo based of the stencil of the MOUSE made with DPPH.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Day 26
Today I mainly worked on my presentation. I worked on editing the images I would include and adding content. I also found a short animation about NMR spectroscopy that can be used to explain EPR as well which I might include in my presentation.
This is the video I might include:
This is the video I might include:
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Day 25
In the morning meeting today we all gave updates on our projects. Today I went over my presentation with my advisor and he gave me a few edits and suggestions. Then we started to scan the EMR MOUSE logo again so we could create an image. The data we had collected on Monday to create the image was not accurate because the motor we used to move the logo over the MOUSE was getting stuck. We retook all the data today and I then worked on aligning the data so the image would become clearer. Then I put the data into the heatmapper program on and created the image.
Here's the image we created:
Here's the image we created:

Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Day 24
In the morning I finished creating the intensity plots I began yesterday. Then I continued to work on my presentation. I finished putting in all the images I wanted to include and now have around 15 slides. I'll run through it with my advisor tomorrow to make sure that I have included everything and then I will decide whether I should add more slides or not. In the afternoon we worked with the micrometer & motor setup and cleaned it to ensure that it was not getting stuck when moving across the MOUSE.
Here's an image of the micrometer/motor setup:
Here's an image of the micrometer/motor setup:

Monday, August 7, 2017
Day 23
Today we finished going over our outlines in the morning meeting. First I worked on cutting out the EPR MOUSE logo with a razor blade to make a stencil. Then I scanned an image of the EMR (electron magnetic resonance) MOUSE (we created a logo of the MOUSE with the letters EMR as well because it can detect magnetic signals as well as paramagnetic). After lunch I worked on rearranging/reorganizing the data so the image of the MOUSE was clearer. I worked with (the online tool we use to make the intensity plots) to make the graphs but I kept getting an error message. This may be due to a glitch in the online software. I will check online tool again tomorrow.

Friday, August 4, 2017
Day 22
Today was the Undergraduate Research Symposium and I went to several presentations and posters. I went to Baron's presentation which was titled "Magnetic Field Mapping for a Unilateral LFEPR Spectrometer" and I got some ideas for my final presentation. One idea that I got was to incorporate my rationale and application for the project in the beginning or middle of my presentation as opposed to the end. I also went and saw the "Laser Light Scattering of Ternary Mixtures to Derive the Gibbs Free Energy" which I found very interesting because it was related to what I had learned in school last year. I then spent some more time looking at all the different posters and headed back to the Carlson building. I also worked on my presentation a little today and added some more images. I had to leave early today because I had to go to an interview.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Day 21
In the morning meeting we continued to go over outlines. Today I continued work on my presentation and also showed Tristan, Ashley & Peter my lab and the work that I was doing. I also went and saw the lab that Henry & Ronny were working in. I finished putting in all the content that I would want to put in my presentation. After that I worked on figuring out what images I would put in my presentation and editing them.
One of the images I worked on was the color scale for the intensity plots of the sensitivity of the RF probe. The values are in millitesla (mT) which represents the magnetic field.
One of the images I worked on was the color scale for the intensity plots of the sensitivity of the RF probe. The values are in millitesla (mT) which represents the magnetic field.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Day 20
In the morning meeting we reviewed some of our outlines for our presentations. Today I mainly worked on my presentation because the rest of the students working in the lab had their presentations at the end of this week. After creating most of the slides for my presentation I also made some more images. One of the images I created was a graph of the magnetic field versus the position the probe was on the barcode. I have also included a picture of the barcode and you can see how the peaks on the graph below correspond to the thickness of the black line on the barcode. The dips, or relative minimums, represent where the white lines are (where there is no black ink).

Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Day 19
Today I mainly did some data collecting and organizing. I organized the different plots and spreadsheets I had made a few weeks ago and created some README files for Dr Hornak this morning. Then we collected some data with the MOUSE of an acrylic painting. We collected data in a 10cm x 10cm grid over the painting to see if we could detect any ferromagnetic signals. Collecting data over the painting took most of the day because we had to do it manually (the painting was textured so it would have either gotten stuck or some paint would have been scraped off if we had tried to slide it over the MOUSE with a motor). At the end of the day we realized that the data was too inconsistent to make any definite conclusion or graphic regarding the ferromagnetic signal in the acrylic paint so we stopped collecting data.
Here's a photo of the setup we used to collect data over the painting:
Here's a photo of the setup we used to collect data over the painting:

Monday, July 31, 2017
Day 18
In the morning I helped run a few tests on the commercial oil paints that we thought had paramagnetic signals (ultramarine, burnt umber, burnt sienna and, viridian). Then the rest of the group explained to me what they did on Friday (they scanned the dollar bill and took more data points to create a higher-resolution image). After that we went and started shifting the starting points for the rows of data on the dollar bill so that the image was clearer. Dr Hornak then brought in his spare tire so we could test it. We tested the tire and did not get a signal. We also recorded the background signal (when nothing is on the MOUSE). After lunch I worked on my presentation. Then we worked with excel to analyze the data we collected. We found that only the ultramarine paint out of all the commercial paints we tested had a signal (it was small, though). We then looked at the background signal we had recorded and decided to try and clean the probe in case there was some magnetic ink on it from the dollar bill that was interfering with its sensitivity. After doing that we tested the commercial paints again.
Here is the image we created after tracking the ferromagnetic signal across the dollar bill with the MOUSE:
Here is the image we created after tracking the ferromagnetic signal across the dollar bill with the MOUSE:

Day 17
I didn't come to the internship today since I was out of town so there's no blog post for today (7/28).
Friday, July 28, 2017
Outline for Presentation- Draft
paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
is a technique for studying paramagnetic materials
materials are species that contain unpaired electrons
Paramagnetic materials absorb microwave radiation when subjected to a magnetic field
3. The frequency of microwave radiation generally used in EPR is in the range of 1-10 GHz
(300MHz-300GHz) represent a subset of electromagnetic radiation that are generally
referred to as radio waves (3kHz-300GHz)
frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (LFEPR) spectroscopy and EPR MOUSE
is a variation of EPR that utilizes a lower frequency radiation (around
300 MHz-1 GHz) than in conventional EPR which utilizes higher
frequencies (1-10 GHz)
MOUSE is a further variation of EPR
3. LFEPR, and EPR MOUSE devices have 2 main components
a) The magnet which creates a magnetic field
b) The radio frequency (RF) probe
4. The equation, hν = gβB , represents the relationship between the applied magnetic field and the frequency of the absorbed radiation
a) h = Planck’s constant, ν=frequency, g=g-factor
(constant), β= Bohr magneton (constant), B=
magnetic field
3. LFEPR, and EPR MOUSE devices have 2 main components
a) The magnet which creates a magnetic field
b) The radio frequency (RF) probe
4. The equation, hν = gβB , represents the relationship between the applied magnetic field and the frequency of the absorbed radiation
a) h = Planck’s constant, ν=frequency, g=g-factor
(constant), β= Bohr magneton (constant), B=
magnetic field
& Purpose:
goal of the first half of this project was to characterize the magnetic field
of various magnet designs and measure the sensitivity of the RF probe to aid in
the construction of the EPR MOUSE.
goal of the second half of this project is to demonstrate the capabilities of
the current EPR MOUSE design and establish the feasibility of detecting
paramagnetic species on a variety of surfaces of practical relevance.
of LFEPR as opposed to EPR
study larger objects non-invasively
(higher frequency) EPR can only study samples smaller than 125mm3 in
can be used to study important cultural artifacts that are multiple liters in volume
study larger objects as opposed to EPR
study surfaces (the sample does not need to be placed inside a spectrometer)
sample size limitation
limitation is the depth of penetration of the magnetic field and the radiation
into the sample
of the magnetic field of different iron yoke designs
was to optimize the homogeneity of the magnetic field because the RF absorption
is dependent on it.
the Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) software to generate the theoretical
magnetic field distribution around the yoke
the theoretical prediction (using FEMM) to experimental measurements to ensure
of the sensitivity of the RF probe
an EPR machine with a known homogenous magnetic field
using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), a known paramagnetic species that
is commonly used for EPR measurements
the sensitivity of the probe at numerous locations in the 3D space (in the
XZ,YZ, and YX)
this data to determine the sensitivity of the RF probe
of the capabilities of the EPR MOUSE
the MOUSE to scan the surface of a US dollar bill and recorded the spatial
distribution of the ferromagnetic signal, and created a 2D image.
the MOUSE to identify paramagnetic pigments used in various paints based off
the signal produced
the MOUSE to scan a barcode and record data based off its ferromagnetic signal
(from toner ink) and created a 1D image of the barcode
& Conclusion (not final)
off the projects conducted to demonstrate the capabilities of the MOUSE, the
EPR MOUSE has a number of potential applications including:
of paintings and historical artifacts
of currency and other paper documents
or ferromagnetic watermarks
alternative to optical barcode readers
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Day 16-updated
Today when I reached the lab Baron & Celia had finished scanning a dollar bill and a barcode with the MOUSE. I tried to use a rotation matrix to rotate the data for the dollar bill by .7369 degrees because when they scanned the bill it was tilted by around .7369 degrees so we had to rotate the data so it matched. Dr Hornak came in while we were trying to rotate the data and had a quicker method of rotating the data by just changing the starting points of each column of data by an approximated amount which we obtained by looking at a graph of the data. We then tried to find a motor we could use to rotate the micrometer setup that we used to collect data (see my previous post) so we didn't need to turn it by hand. We then went to the machine shop in building 8 where Dr Hornak found a piece of aluminum we could use to connect the motor and the micrometer. We then went back to the lab and looked for set screws for the attachment we had made. Then we left to go on the field trip to the Mees observatory in Bristol. We learned about the history of the observatory, the telescope, stars, and the planets that you could see through the telescope. We also learned about the eclipse that is occurring on August 21st that will be visible from parts of the U.S. You will not be able to see the full eclipse from Rochester but you will be able to see a partial eclipse. Unfortunately it was cloudy so we could not see anything through the telescope but I still had a fun time and enjoyed the field trip. I will not be here tomorrow (Friday, July 28th) so as a result there will be no blog post tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Day 15
Today we finished painting the MOUSE logo with the epoxy and paramagnetic pigment mixture. Once we did that we had to wait for around an hour for the logo to dry completely. For the rest of the day we ran a picture of the barcode (printed with magnetic ink) over the MOUSE and collected data to see if we could then replicate the barcode into a 1D image. Analyzing the barcode using the MOUSE took most of the day for various reasons. One reason was that we had to slowly pull the barcode (using the micrometer setup in the picture) over the MOUSE by hand at a constant pace (we kept a constant pace by using an online metronome). The other reason it took all day was because the data we collected had discrepancies at the ends of the barcode. After running some tests we determined that the cause of this issue was the printer, not the MOUSE. We guessed that the printer was either running out of ink or it distributed the toner unevenly on the paper. Then we analyzed the EPR MOUSE logo that we had painted earlier. However, we were not able to see a signal on any of the letters the logo (probably because the pigment was not concentrated enough in the epoxy). During lunch I went to astronomy/astrophysics talk. After that we retested some previous paint samples that we knew had a clear signal to confirm that the MOUSE was working properly. These samples did indeed give a signal so we now know that we need to paint with linseed oil rather than epoxy so we can layer the paint and thereby increase the concentration of the pigment in the painting.
Here's a photo of the micrometer setup. The MOUSE is situated under the glass pane which is then moved using the knob at the rightmost side of the photo (right under the larger, red EPR machine).
You can faintly see the MOUSE under the blue packet (the packet is filled with a paramagnetic pigment powder that we were testing).
Here's a photo of the micrometer setup. The MOUSE is situated under the glass pane which is then moved using the knob at the rightmost side of the photo (right under the larger, red EPR machine).
You can faintly see the MOUSE under the blue packet (the packet is filled with a paramagnetic pigment powder that we were testing).

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Day 14
When I got to the lab we tested some materials with the EPR MOUSE to see if we could see a signal clearly. We tested a ceramic coin, a flowerpot, coal, and a sample of DPPH. We did get a signal from these but they weren't as clear as the ones we got from the larger EPR machine. Joe gave us a charcoal briquette to test as well. After lunch, we started to plan how we would paint the letters for our project. We had decided that we would first paint the letters EPR and the logo of the MOUSE with paramagnetic paint and while the paint was drying begin the projects with paper currency and the barcode ( which we would analyze using the MOUSE and then create a 1D or 2D image based off the change in signal as we moved the MOUSE over the money or barcode). We then began to paint the design with a mixture of epoxy and the paramagnetic pigment (which was in powder form). This was difficult because the epoxy would dry in 5 minutes so we had to make sure we painted the letters quickly. We also ran out of epoxy when we were in the middle of painting the MOUSE logo. We walked down to the Global Village to buy some more epoxy but the store was closed.
Here are some images of the work I did today:
This is a photo of the EPR MOUSE device when we were collecting data on the ceramic coin (a piece of the coin is on top of the device):
This is a photo of the EPR MOUSE logo we painted. As you can see the middle part of the MOUSE logo is blank because we ran out of epoxy:
Monday, July 24, 2017
Day 13
This morning Dr Hornak showed us the EPR MOUSE. The RF probe that we had measured last week was now inside the MOUSE device. There was one problem though, the RF probe was not level with the edge of the iron yoke and was jutting out 0.7 inches above the yoke. We decided that the best way to solve this issue would be to shave off 0.7 inches off the edge of the coils that were also in the yoke so the RF probe would fit. After coming up with this solution we started brainstorming applications and demonstrations for the EPR MOUSE that we could perform. After lunch Dr. Hornak showed us how to run the MOUSE. This procedure is very similar to the larger EPR machine except that we have to demagnetize the iron yoke each time after we run a spectra because the iron yoke gets partially magnetized. We ran some paint samples that contained paramagnetic species to ensure that we could see the signal with the MOUSE device. We also tested a piece of paper with toner ink, a barcode, and a 1 dollar bill (US currency contains magnetic ink which can be detected by the EPR MOUSE). After these tests Baron (an REU student), Celia (an RIT student), and I created plans for demonstrations that we could conduct using the EPR MOUSE and a painting, a barcode, and a dollar bill.
Here are images of the EPR MOUSE and the larger EPR machine:
This image is of larger EPR device (the copper-colored cylinder).

This image is of the EPR MOUSE (the small white box).
Here are images of the EPR MOUSE and the larger EPR machine:
This image is of larger EPR device (the copper-colored cylinder).

This image is of the EPR MOUSE (the small white box).

Friday, July 21, 2017
Day 12-updated
After the morning meeting I went down to the lab and took some more data. This time we took data points for two lines which intersected at the center of the RF probe which I have drawn out below:

Here is a more detailed diagram of where we collected data:
The red lines indicate where we took data in the Z and X direction (using the same orientation as the diagram above where Z is parallel to the longer edge of the probe and X is parallel to the shorter edge). Although we did take data at these points we did not necessarily detect a signal (especially at the edges of the circle). Thus, the area where the RF probe is sensitive enough to detect a signal is less than the area of the circle. The circle is where the coil is in the RF probe and where it should be sensitive enough to detect a signal.

After plotting the data and creating an intensity map we noticed that the RF probe was more sensitive in the z-direction than the x. We decided to turn the coil in the RF probe 90 degrees in the hope that it would increase the probe's sensitivity along the x direction where the magnetic field is more homogenous. After lunch we took data along the same points again with the RF probe after the coil had been rotated. When we compared the intensity plots of the center line data before and after the coil was rotated, however, the data was almost identical. At this point it was time to go so I hope we can figure this out on Monday.
Here's an image of the inside of the RF probe:

Here is a more detailed diagram of where we collected data:
The red lines indicate where we took data in the Z and X direction (using the same orientation as the diagram above where Z is parallel to the longer edge of the probe and X is parallel to the shorter edge). Although we did take data at these points we did not necessarily detect a signal (especially at the edges of the circle). Thus, the area where the RF probe is sensitive enough to detect a signal is less than the area of the circle. The circle is where the coil is in the RF probe and where it should be sensitive enough to detect a signal.

After plotting the data and creating an intensity map we noticed that the RF probe was more sensitive in the z-direction than the x. We decided to turn the coil in the RF probe 90 degrees in the hope that it would increase the probe's sensitivity along the x direction where the magnetic field is more homogenous. After lunch we took data along the same points again with the RF probe after the coil had been rotated. When we compared the intensity plots of the center line data before and after the coil was rotated, however, the data was almost identical. At this point it was time to go so I hope we can figure this out on Monday.
Here's an image of the inside of the RF probe:

Thursday, July 20, 2017
Day 11
At the morning meeting we continued reviewing our abstracts. Once I got to the lab I started collecting more data, like I did yesterday. Today we were able to finish collecting data for the YZ and XZ plane and create the intensity plots for both.
Here are some pictures of the micrometer we use to measure the position of the probe for each data point and some of the data we collected:

Here are some pictures of the micrometer we use to measure the position of the probe for each data point and some of the data we collected:
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Day 10
During the morning meeting today we went over some more abstracts. In the lab I continued collecting data using the same method that I described in my previous post. This ended up taking all day because we had to collect around 300 data points for the XZ plane.
Here's a short time-lapse video I took of the computer collecting data and a photo of the probe with the DPPH in the EPR device:
Here's a short time-lapse video I took of the computer collecting data and a photo of the probe with the DPPH in the EPR device:
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Day 9
In the morning I started researching for online tools that would enable us to create an intensity plot based off the data matrices we had made yesterday. After lunch, Dr. Hornak used photoshop to make the plots larger and clearer. Then we compared the plots to ones that Dr. Hornak had created a few years ago. We noticed that our graphs looked different so we started brainstorming errors that could have occurred that would have affected the data. Upon examining the EPR machine we noted that the sample pipet was twisted slightly, affecting the distance the DPPH sample was from the RF probe which in turn affected our results. After learning this we went and recollected the data we had taken yesterday.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Day 8
Today I mainly took measurements with the RF probe. To do this Celia (an RIT student who also works in the lab) and I set the RF probe to a specific position and then started the LFESR program on the computer to collect data Then the RF probe would be moved slightly and the program would collect data at that point. It takes around 50-60 seconds for the program to finish collecting data for each point so we spent most of the day collecting data for around 100 different positions. We also made a matrix of the data we collected representing the change in position in the YZ plane and XZ plane.
In the picture below the YZ plane is outlined in orange and the XZ plane is in green
In the picture below the YZ plane is outlined in orange and the XZ plane is in green

Sunday, July 16, 2017
Abstract draft-updated
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy is a technique
for studying paramagnetic species. Low Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (LFEPR)
spectroscopy is a variation of EPR that was developed to study larger objects (around 15 cm in diameter) containing paramagnetic species non-invasively. The LFEPR Mobile
Universal Surface Explorer (MOUSE) spectroscopy is a further variation of the
technique that is expected to enable the study of paramagnetic species on
surfaces. Similar to LFEPR, EPR MOUSE has two main components: (i) the magnet
and (ii) the radio frequency (RF) probe.
The ability of the EPR MOUSE to non-invasively analyze objects allows
it to assist in studying the surface of culturally significant artifacts. The purpose of this project is to characterize
the magnetic field of various magnet designs that can be used in the
construction of the EPR MOUSE, and assess the sensitivity of the radio
frequency (RF) probe, which will then determine the concentration of the
paramagnetic species that can be detected. The magnetic field of various magnet
designs will be simulated using the Finite Element Method Magnetics software,
and the accuracy of the models will be assessed using experimental
measurements. The sensitivity of the RF probe will be measured under specific conditions with species that have stable free
radicals. The
characterization of the magnetic field and the measurement of the sensitivity
of the RF probe will help us in the final design and construction of the EPR MOUSE spectrometer.
Old version:
Old version:
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy is a technique for studying paramagnetic species. Low Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (LFEPR) spectroscopy is a variation of EPR that was developed to study larger objects non-invasively (around 15 cm in diameter) containing paramagnetic species. The LFEPR Mobile Universal Surface Explorer (MOUSE) spectroscopy is a further variation of the technique that is expected to enable the study of paramagnetic species on surfaces. Similar to LFEPR, EPR MOUSE has two main components: (i) the magnet and (ii) the radio frequency (RF) probe.
The ability of the EPR MOUSE to non-invasively analyze objects allows it to assist in studying the surface of culturally significant artifacts. The purpose of this project is to characterize the magnetic field of various magnet designs that can be used in the construction of the EPR MOUSE, and assess the sensitivity of the radio frequency (RF) probe, which will then determine the concentration of the paramagnetic species that can be detected. The magnetic field of various magnet designs will be simulated using the Finite Element Method Magnetics software, and the accuracy of the models will be assessed using experimental measurements. The sensitivity of the RF probe will be measured under specific conditions, using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), which contains stable free radicals, and is used as a reference material for EPR measurements. The characterization of the magnetic field and the measurement of the sensitivity of the RF probe will help us in the final design and construction of the EPR MOUSE spectrometer.
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